Everybody’s Heart’s Breaking… NOW.

How are you and your heart doing this fall? Broken? Whole? In love? Beating too fast? Stopping and starting suddenly? Burning? Aching? Pulsing in Morse code? No matter what metaphoric state it’s in, Lavender Diamond’s new album, Incorruptible Heart is sure to do it a world of good.

Over a year in the making and produced by Damian, Incorruptible Heart is available now on OK Go’s very own Paracadute imprint.

While in upstate New York starting work on the next OK Go album (!!), Damian recorded a cover of one of his favorite songs on the album, “Everybody’s Heart’s Breaking Now.”

Lavender Diamond made a video for the song, too, in which you can watch their incomparable leader, Becky Stark, fly, fall, and twist through space, looking for any and all entry points into your heart.

Incorruptible Heart is ready for you. Are you ready for it?

PYYRAMIDS of the Northeast Webcast

For those wondering about the odd seismic rumblings around the eastern seaboard this week, well, climate-change or no, it’s worth noting that PYYRAMIDS have been in the area. They play in Boston tonight and Brooklyn tomorrow. If you live in either of those fair burghs, both shows have much to recommend them. In Massachusetts, you can get all backwards-talky with Tim and Drea in the Twin Peaks-inspired Red Room at Cafe 939. And, if you’re in the New York area, you can see Tim perform in the ancestral home of his beard, Brooklyn.

And if you’re in neither of those places, have no fear, because the Red Room show tonight will be webcast! Tune in around 8:45 eastern time for a set by old OK Go pals Eytan and the Embassy (the charming lads behind the “Everything Changes” one-take video). PYYRAMIDS hit an hour or so later, running on standard rock club time.

Summer Camp, Week Two

We’re getting ready to move OK Go’s 21st century summer camp into its next phase, but we’re still having our brains melted by all the amazing art/inventions/physics lessons/improvised plays that you’ve been sharing with us via the #okgosummercamp tag and summercamp@okgo.net. Okay, the heat is melting our brains a little bit, too. There’s still time to share, of course. Please do, especially if your creation involves figuring out how to have a virtual water balloon fight that results in a real-life cool-down. In the meantime, here are some our favorite submissions from the second week.

Jeff and his band Go For The Eyes made a video using 250 donated boxes that took 24 hours to paint.


Steven White turned an abandoned combine into a kinetic sound sculpture.


Kaci Beller is part of a theatrical production called Manhattan Stories that improvises plays in the style of Woody Allen films.


Henry Reicl creates minute-long physics lessons.


Summer Camp, Week One

Earlier this week, we announced the start of the OK Go 21st century do-it-yourself arts-and-crafts Summer Camp. To kick it off, we asked what all of you have been making — songs, videos, dances, art, writing, anything, everything. The responses have blown us away, ranging from stop-motion animation about a haunted house to a giant cooling shade made out of recycled soda bottles. Some of our favorites are below.

But if you haven’t shared yet, we’d still love for you to do so. Post on our Facebook wall, tag it on Twitter with #okgosummercamp, or just email us at okgosummercamp@okgo.net.

Here’s what some of your fellow OK Go fans are making.

Kevin Ramler built a whistling pipe organ from a bike tire and a crank.


Jennifer Harris painted murals on soon-to-be-demolished buildings in San Francisco and invited people to collaborate.


Ren Vasiliev makes mixed media collages.


Garth Britzman used soda bottles to make a giant shade canopy.


Paola Horevicz makes handmade letter-press books.


Lachlan Dean and Sarah Phillips directed a video for the Australian band The Weekend People.

The Weekend People – We Are Police (Official Video) from The Weekend People on Vimeo.


Summer Camp!


Besides the band’s upcoming summer shows (we hope you make it out), the guys are pretty much off the road for the foreseeable future, holed up in their secret bunkers, carefully creating the next batch of awesome for us all. And it’s time to see what you’ve all got, and engage our collective group-mind in some 21st century arts and crafts.

Over the course of this summer, we’ll be plotting (and posting) various ways to tap into the insane hive-brain we suspect you are. If this sounds fun, stay tuned to our Twitter and Facebook feeds and await further instructions. But before we do that, the very first step is to see how your creativity manifests itself. What’s your art? Do you write music yourself? Do you dance? Make movies or videos or animation? Wire up homebrew electronics? Compose epic poems? Now’s the time to show us. It doesn’t have to be OK Go-related. We’re just curious about what you’re making!

Tweet at us with an #okgosummercamp hashtag, post on our Facebook wall, or email summercamp@okgo.net. We’ll repost some of our favorites, and keep plotting ways for our hive-brain to make some collective cool stuff.