Announcing Lavender Diamond’s Incorruptible Heart

Damian checks in with exciting news:

Friends, I spent many months of last year producing the new album for Lavender Diamond. It was the first time I’ve produced a full record for anyone but my own bands, and I’m super proud of it. Can’t wait for you to hear the whole thing, but for now, a tiny taste. The first single is available for free, and you can listen below. -Damian

The full album will be out on September 25th, and will be the first album on OK Go’s own Paracadute label by an outside artist. Which, besides the fact that the album is already awesome, is awesome. Dave Fridmann, who mixed Of the Blue Colour of the Sky and many other fine albums, mixed the music. M. Ward plays on it. So, for that matter, does Damian.

Lavender Diamond are a mysterious psychedelic/cosmic folk band from Los Angeles, led by the wonderful singer Ms. Becky Stark. They put an EP in 2004 called The Cavalry of Light and an album called Imagine Our Love in 2007, which you can check out via the preceding Spotify links. We highly recommend both of them. Learn all about Lavender Diamond at the all-new


  1. Rolling Stone Magazine featured “Everybody’s Heart’s Breaking Now” a free download for the week of 4 September, and the song is now on heavy rotation on my iPod. Lovely song, lovely, heart-breaking voice. Looking forward to the album!

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