All Is Not Lost

By the time you read this, the nano-monkeys who run the internet will have loaded their long-boats with precious bit-cargo, cleared the tubes of stray lolcats, and flipped all necessary switches. The brand new OK Go video, “All Is Not Lost,” is now live at!

Presented in gloriously interactive HTML5, “All Is Not Lost” was made in close collaboration with the ever-awesome director Trish Sie, the Pilobolus Dance Theatre, and Google Chrome Japan. It debuted this morning via the New York Times, and you’ll need the Google Chrome web browser to see it properly, which we sincerely encourage you to download.

On Sunday, the New York Times will publish an exclusive photo feature about the video’s creation in their magazine. And there’s also a 3D version available today exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS.


(And here’s the static version, for those not interested in rushing head first into the techy future…)


  1. wow. just saw this and was truly inspired. How cool is this? :) Truly amazing, and something that i will not soon forget. wow. ;)

  2. Thank you from Japan. This is a wonderful, moving song and video. Thanks to you guys, and everyone involved in this video.

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