'White Knuckles' Remix Contest Winner Announced!

We are pleased to announce the winners of our ‘White Knuckles’ Remix Contest. Almost 400 entries were submitted over the last six weeks, and we’ve had a blast listening to them and sharing them with our fans. We asked the producer of our most recent album, Dave Fridmann, to pick winners and he has decreed that The Big Robot is the grand prize winner of the remix contest! Congrats, Big Robot.

The two runners up (call them the 2nd and 3rd place winners, in no particular order, if you like) are Jackal Island and Science for Girls. Check out their great tracks below and then be insanely jealous of all the awesome prizes they’re getting. What prizes, you ask? These prizes:

Grand Prize
• The Big Robot’s remix will be available as an official track on the Rock Band Network
• A Rock Band 3 XBox Game
• A XBox 360 Video Game Console
• A complete set of Rock Band instruments

Runners Up
• A signed set of the ‘This Too Shall Pass’ ping pong balls
• A White Knuckles vinyl import from the UK
• A copy of the Of The Blue Colour Of The Sky – Extra Nice Edition
• A copy of Rock Band 3

Thank you all for your awesome remixes! We’ve all been rocking out to them for weeks, and will continue to do so.
If you want to hear all 383 submissions, you can find them HERE.


  1. Hey Dan(Drummer)
    I’m coming to your show @ Orange Peel in Asheville tomorrow.
    Ang & I live there now!!
    JD (John&Angie Durkin) formerly of IL

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