'White Knuckles' Video Premiere

The time, it is nigh. The brand new video for “White Knuckles” premiered today, Monday, September 20th on the Ellen Degeneres Show (check local listings for details). You can watch it here, or on her site, or anywhere else that good taste and reason rule.

We do so hope you enjoy it.

Also, for you TV watching Americans, we’ll be performing “White Knuckles” on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” this evening. The rest of you will just have to wait until someone posts it to YouTube.


  1. I retweeted/linked to this so many times today. The idea that someone I know might not see it caused me pain. Seeing it, and knowing others see it, brought me joy. That’s my favorite kinda virus.

    It looks like one take; is it one take? But one of many, I imagine. Those doggies must have had to be very patient with you to get that so right.

    I’m starting to like the song too.

  2. Hey Gang,

    Just thought I’d let you know I posted your “White Knuckles” vid on my dog-blog a couple of weeks ago – and repeated it today as a video review – from the canine perspective, of course. Check it out on DawgHugger

    With over 6 mil hits already on your video – you sure didn’t need the publicity, but I hope you liked what I said.

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