"This Too Shall Pass" World Premiere!


  1. Wow!!!!!!!!Not what I was expecting, but so enjoyable! I tried staying up here in Budapest to see the live version but it wasnt working, great way to wake up in the morning to it though!!! Bet you guys had such fun all the way! Keep it up :D

  2. The last Rube Goldberg machine I saw that blew my socks off was ‘Cog’, an advertisement that came out in 2003 for the Honda Accord. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ve4M4UsJQo)

    This, though… This is unreal. I am in awe. The lego scene and the water glasses were my favourite bits. Oh, and also Damian flying into that pile of cardboard boxes. And the coloured flags. OH! And the typewriter! And the paper aeroplanes! I wonder how many takes it took! I have so many questions. Whose iPod is that? How many pianos and TVs did you break? How did you guys keep such straight faces?!

    Lots of love from Hong Kong. Gotta go watch it again…

  3. This totally made my day in a mythbusterish sort of awesome way. I can’t stop watching. Thank you guys, you are the best

  4. WOW! You guys are awesome! I was really beginning to despair that there were no truly creative people left in the pop music world, but you guys are something special! Keep up the good work!

  5. Hello there!

    Bravo! Bravo! Fantastic! Wonderful! Thank you so much for bringing a sense of creativity and artistry to what in essence (“music video”) has essentially become a dready and predictable commodity. Your previous works (the “Covert Marching Band”, Treadmill, etc) are also fantastic with a lot of heart and energy.

    I don’t usually buy music much anymore, however I feel an urgent need to support artists who are actually making art! One album for me, please! Thanks again :)

  6. Awesome Video!! Even the Reverse is great!! One Question…will the sound be dubbed over or is it suppose to be the live sound in the warehouse? I just played the song in the background, but it took me a few times to get the time almost in sync, lol. Great Job!!

  7. Hey guys, I’m Andrés Panes from Access DirecTV Magazine Latin America and we would like to write a two pages article about OK Go. In order to do it, we need to coordenate (as soon as posible, please) a day so we can talk by phone. Are you in?

  8. This is insane…
    Insanely good for the ears, eyes and laugh.

    Thanks!! Please go on, and on, and on to make us wonder like that.

    Annfee, wiating for you in Paris, France ;)

  9. That was really cool! I had to do a Rube Goldberg machine once and it was a lot of work! Great job! Your music is awesome and the videos just make it even better!

  10. Toll, toll!!! I can’t stop being amazed by thinking that YES there are still talented and creative people in this world! Thank you for not using über-special-psychomputer-effects! We’re so full of that stuff!! Show them all it’s possible! Your music is SO good,too! You’re my best dream now. Please play in Germany!

  11. I think it’s amazing that you still come up with ways to progress creatively. This is pure joy.

    @ebeni98, the video you posted is no longer available, but before you cry injustice, OKGo *did* acknowledge their inspiration for this video in the title. Rube Goldberg is the inspiration, he was famous for drawing overly elaborate inventions to accomplish mundane tasks. Google him: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rube_Goldberg

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