We’re getting ready to move OK Go’s 21st century summer camp into its next phase, but we’re still having our brains melted by all the amazing art/inventions/physics lessons/improvised plays that you’ve been sharing with us via the #okgosummercamp tag and summercamp@okgo.net. Okay, the heat is melting our brains a little bit, too. There’s still time to share, of course. Please do, especially if your creation involves figuring out how to have a virtual water balloon fight that results in a real-life cool-down. In the meantime, here are some our favorite submissions from the second week.
Jeff and his band Go For The Eyes made a video using 250 donated boxes that took 24 hours to paint.
Steven White turned an abandoned combine into a kinetic sound sculpture.
Kaci Beller is part of a theatrical production called Manhattan Stories that improvises plays in the style of Woody Allen films.
Henry Reicl creates minute-long physics lessons.