3D movies are great, IMAX movies are amazing, too, and 3D IMAX movies just insane. If anybody made them anymore, old-fashioned Smell-O-Vision would surely be totally incredible. But–on May 10th–not only can you go to your local cinema and see OK Go on the big screen as part of This American Life Live!, but you can actually participate in OK Go’s performance. That’s the magic of radio. Well, that and smartphone technology and living in the future and such.
Simply download the free app, and be prepared to play along with the band on virtual handbells when the time comes. We suggest that you buy tickets in advance, as well as download the app ahead of time, since it’s hard to get phone service in some movie theaters. The show will be broadcast live from the Skirball Center at New York University and will feature TAL host Ira Glass, many of the show’s regular stars (including David Sedaris) and many other surprises.
We also recommend that you wipe the popcorn butter off your fingers before operating the app and please for the love of all that is special and wonderful in this great American land of ours to keep your phone on silent for the rest of the show.