Summer Camp, Week One

Earlier this week, we announced the start of the OK Go 21st century do-it-yourself arts-and-crafts Summer Camp. To kick it off, we asked what all of you have been making — songs, videos, dances, art, writing, anything, everything. The responses have blown us away, ranging from stop-motion animation about a haunted house to a giant cooling shade made out of recycled soda bottles. Some of our favorites are below.

But if you haven’t shared yet, we’d still love for you to do so. Post on our Facebook wall, tag it on Twitter with #okgosummercamp, or just email us at

Here’s what some of your fellow OK Go fans are making.

Kevin Ramler built a whistling pipe organ from a bike tire and a crank.


Jennifer Harris painted murals on soon-to-be-demolished buildings in San Francisco and invited people to collaborate.


Ren Vasiliev makes mixed media collages.


Garth Britzman used soda bottles to make a giant shade canopy.


Paola Horevicz makes handmade letter-press books.


Lachlan Dean and Sarah Phillips directed a video for the Australian band The Weekend People.

The Weekend People – We Are Police (Official Video) from The Weekend People on Vimeo.