Summer Camp, Week Two

We’re getting ready to move OK Go’s 21st century summer camp into its next phase, but we’re still having our brains melted by all the amazing art/inventions/physics lessons/improvised plays that you’ve been sharing with us via the #okgosummercamp tag and Okay, the heat is melting our brains a little bit, too. There’s still time to share, of course. Please do, especially if your creation involves figuring out how to have a virtual water balloon fight that results in a real-life cool-down. In the meantime, here are some our favorite submissions from the second week.

Jeff and his band Go For The Eyes made a video using 250 donated boxes that took 24 hours to paint.


Steven White turned an abandoned combine into a kinetic sound sculpture.


Kaci Beller is part of a theatrical production called Manhattan Stories that improvises plays in the style of Woody Allen films.


Henry Reicl creates minute-long physics lessons.