WTF? Video Remixes
We just can’t get enough of these. We now have them up on our site, all in one place, for your viewing pleasure.
Click through the image below to actually watch them.
And we are always looking for more, so don’t be shy and get involved!
Amazing Acrylic from Scout!
Thanks Scout! – Check out the letter that came with it below!
Hi, I’m Scout and I am an artist! So, I’m turning 16 next week, and I
really wanted to do one last painting before my birthday. So I did!
I know what you’re probably thinking:
“Only Damian? Come on.” (teehee)
But I have an explanation! This is also for my school’s arts festival,
which is just as close as my brithday, so I stayed up ’til 3 am trying
to finish this, and I didn’t have time to paint all of the band all
And just a fun fact, I painted this while only listening to Of The
Blue Colour Of The Sky (over and over!), and my CD player ceased
function on the song This Too Shall Pass. Thus the name of the
painting! I really, really, really hope you guys like this since it is
my first time painting an acrylic portrait and because I am being
forced by my friends to show it!
Much love,
Scout Villegas