'White Knuckles' Video Premiere

The time, it is nigh. The brand new video for “White Knuckles” premiered today, Monday, September 20th on the Ellen Degeneres Show (check local listings for details). You can watch it here, or on her site, or anywhere else that good taste and reason rule.

We do so hope you enjoy it.

Also, for you TV watching Americans, we’ll be performing “White Knuckles” on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” this evening. The rest of you will just have to wait until someone posts it to YouTube.

In Which We Repackage The Whole Thing Again

Before the unending excitement of tomorrow gets underway, we wanted to let you know that we are releasing an “Extra Nice Edition” of our album Of The Blue Colour Of The Sky. You can pre-order the US/Canada version (release date Nov 2) in our online store, or if you live outside the US/Canada, that version is released on October 18th and you’ll be able to pre-order via iTunes very soon. We’ll bring you those details as soon as we have them.

So what do you get, you lucky purchaser of yet-another-version-of-our-album? We’ve had a lot of people ask us about the recording process for this album, and it got us thinking about all the material we had around from those sessions and generally what that experience was like for us. So in addition to the original 13- song collection, the Extra Nice Edition will feature:

  • A second disc that includes our original demo recordings for many of the songs on the album, some live and alternative versions of tracks, two cover songs, and an in-depth interview of the whole band and producer Dave Fridmann by Ira Glass. Over 65 minutes of previously unreleased material here…
  • Access to the “Of The Blue Colour Of The Sky DIGITAL DATABASE”. This database includes an unreleased collection of new OK Go remixes that we’re calling Twelve Remixes of Four Songs and is available instantly when you order via the pre-sale on our site. We see the database as a way to continue to add material to the album once it’s out, without having to find complicated ways to get it to you. It is an experiment for us, and one that we’re pretty excited about.

So that’s it in a nutshell. We’ll be telling you more about it in the coming weeks. We look forward to getting it in your hands and hearing what you think.

Let the 'White Knuckles' Remix Contest Begin!

Today is the day: we want to hear what you can do with our song! Today through October 14th we’ll be taking remix submission of ‘White Knuckles’. Don’t hold back! If you’ve never remixed a song in your life don’t be scared. We’ve paired up with Indaba, which makes it easy to get creative without having to know your way around a studio. If you are a remix veteran, Indaba also allows you to download the stems and do whatever you want in whatever program you want.

You can find the full lowdown here: http://bit.ly/okgoremix

Starting Sept. 21st the amazing Dave Fridmann will pick a weekly winner whose track will be featured across all things OK Go as well as some other cool bonuses (it’s a surprise, yo). The grand prize winner will be announced on October 29th and will have their version of ‘White Knuckles’ mastered and made available for download in Rock Band. The grand prize winner will also receive a gaming console, a copy of Rock Band 3, and a set of Rock Band instruments!

To say that we are excited is an understatement. So get mixin’!

Remix Contest

That’s right everyone, we’ll be launching a remix contest for ‘White Knuckles’ next week on the 7th. The contest will be curated by the infamous Dave Fridmann and the winner will have their track mixed for Rock Band plus win an entire Rock Band set up to play their track with their friends. Freakin’ awesome right?! Want even more details? Check back here soon for an update but in the meantime start listening to WK on repeat for inspiration.

Damian's Washington Post Op-Ed on Net Neutrality

Damian dropped some knowledge on the wide world today, courtesy of an op-ed piece in the Washington Post:

On the Internet, when I send my ones and zeros somewhere, they shouldn’t have to wait in line behind the ones and zeros of wealthier people or corporations. That’s the way the Net was designed, and it’s central to a concept called “net neutrality,” which ensures that Internet service providers can’t pick favorites.

Recently, though, big telecommunications companies have argued that their investment in the Net’s infrastructure should allow them more control over how it’s used. The concerned nerds of the world are up in arms, and there’s been a long, loud public debate…