Ah 2010. The year of the double rainbow, and that Old Spice guy. And countless other vague and fading memories. But before we put 2010 to bed completely, we thought we’d roundup some of the Top 10 lists we were featured on in 2010. Because come on, you Google yourself too, right?
“This Too Shall Pass” and “White Knuckles” made it onto Best Song lists at MTV and Metroactive.
The Chicagoist and Copious Notes included “Of the Blue Colour of the Sky” on their Best Album lists.
Colorado Daily listed our October 6th show in their Best Concert List.
And Billboard, Canoe, Culture Bully, The Muse in Music, Reel Seo, Rolling Stone, Spinner, and Time all put the Rube Goldberg Machine version of “This Too Shall Pass” on their Top Video lists.
Know of any others? Leave them in the comments…
Update: We managed to break rule number one, which clearly states “before you ever post anything ever, check with your boardies first.” They have compiled a thorough list of top ten lists on the message board. So check it out there…