180/365: The Digital Confetti Snowstorm

Over the 365 days of 2010, the guys played 180 live shows around the world. What better way to celebrate 180/365 and all the hometowns the band did and didn’t visit then by creating a wondrous, digital storm of swirling on-screen confetti made up photos of your hometowns? To get that ol’ fashioned digital confetti whooshing around ye olde computer screen with maximum snowglobe-like density, we’re going to need participation. That is, lots and lots (and lots) of pictures.

So we’re having a contest. For every 180 brightly colored/handpicked-by-you photos we get we’ll be giving away a 180/365 t-shirt package. (180 shows. 180 photos. Get it?) Then, at the end of the week, we’ll pick a grand prize winner who will receive Andy’s red tour suit. No fooling: the final “The Suit” package can be yours, stains and all. The more digital confetti you upload–your favorite houses, flower beds, store windows, cars–the cooler it all looks, and the more chances you have to win.