As much as we’d like the Muppets Newsman to announce “This just in, OK Go drop in with the Muppets!” and then have the guys fall from the sky on top of him (like that cow did that one time), it’s probably best to just say it: OK GO MADE A VIDEO WITH THE MUPPETS!
The video comes out on August 23rd (that’s a Tuesday) and you can check out the trailer below. It’s for OK Go’s version of “The Muppet Show Theme,” which also happens to be the first track on the The Green Album, a brand new tribute to The Muppets out on August 23rd with tracks by OK Go, My Morning Jacket, Andrew Bird, Weezer, and others. NPR is streaming that in its entirety, and you can pre-order through iTunes.
Perhaps most exciting of all, though, OK Go and The Muppets will perform together live on the Tonight Show on August 31st. It’ll be like National-Be-Late-To-Work/Class-Because-You-Watched-OK-Go-on-the-Tonight-Show-on-April-28th Day but, in August instead. So make your plans now.