Muppet News Flash!

As much as we’d like the Muppets Newsman to announce “This just in, OK Go drop in with the Muppets!” and then have the guys fall from the sky on top of him (like that cow did that one time), it’s probably best to just say it: OK GO MADE A VIDEO WITH THE MUPPETS!

The video comes out on August 23rd (that’s a Tuesday) and you can check out the trailer below. It’s for OK Go’s version of “The Muppet Show Theme,” which also happens to be the first track on the The Green Album, a brand new tribute to The Muppets out on August 23rd with tracks by OK Go, My Morning Jacket, Andrew Bird, Weezer, and others. NPR is streaming that in its entirety, and you can pre-order through iTunes.

Perhaps most exciting of all, though, OK Go and The Muppets will perform together live on the Tonight Show on August 31st. It’ll be like National-Be-Late-To-Work/Class-Because-You-Watched-OK-Go-on-the-Tonight-Show-on-April-28th Day but, in August instead. So make your plans now.


America's Not Lost

Primetime, GO! Tune in to America’s Got Talent on Wednesday night, August 10th (9/8c) for a special live performance of “All Is Not Lost” as OK Go and Pilobolus Dance Theatre spread love on good old-fashioned network television. No HTML5 necessary to enter, courtesy of your local NBC affiliate.

All Is Not Lost, the EP/Video Package

Now joining the ranks of things #notlost is the new All Is Not Lost EP/video package, available for instant download today via Paracadute and iTunes. In addition to “All Is Not Lost” itself, as produced by Dave Fridmann for Of the Blue Colour of the Sky, we’ve included the live version from 180/365, two sparkling fresh remixes, and the brand new “All Is Not Lost” video itself, starring OK Go and Pilobolus Dance Theatre. Track list below, $4.99 at a computer near you.

1. All Is Not Lost (Live at S. Olaf’s, Northfield, MN 10/8/10)
2. All Is Not Lost (Of The Blue Colour of the Sky)
3. All Is Not Lost (Serious Business Remix)
4. All Is Not Lost (Keys ‘n’ Krates Remix)
5. All is Not Lost (video)

More Ways To Skin Cats

Since the site launched last week, we’ve seen some interesting uses of the All Is Not Lost Video Dance Messenger (wow, AINLVDM is a terrible acronym…). Here’s a roundup of some ridiculous and impractical ways to use the site. We also want to see what you’ve come up with, from these categories or something entirely different. Send, post, blog, and tweet what you’ve made!

You can make avatars for Twitter or Facebook or any other type of account. Just type out your name, and at the video’s end, click on Message Card, save the resultant .jpg, and upload to Facebook, Twitter, or any other site.

For example:

Since the invention of typewriters, people have used the letters on their keyboards to make cool images, known as ASCII art. If you have tremendous amounts of free time, you can do the same with the Video Dance Messenger. Simply plan your message out so that each “word” has an equal number of characters. We recommend using a text editor and then pasting back into the site.

For example, if you type in this: —o— –o0o– -00×00- 00XXX00 -00×00- –o0o– —o— you get this:

Make a basic grid out of dashes (see below) and replace with your own characters.

A really time-consuming way to send IMs
Copy from the Message Card and paste into your current conversation.

What else you got…?

All Is Not Lost

By the time you read this, the nano-monkeys who run the internet will have loaded their long-boats with precious bit-cargo, cleared the tubes of stray lolcats, and flipped all necessary switches. The brand new OK Go video, “All Is Not Lost,” is now live at!

Presented in gloriously interactive HTML5, “All Is Not Lost” was made in close collaboration with the ever-awesome director Trish Sie, the Pilobolus Dance Theatre, and Google Chrome Japan. It debuted this morning via the New York Times, and you’ll need the Google Chrome web browser to see it properly, which we sincerely encourage you to download.

On Sunday, the New York Times will publish an exclusive photo feature about the video’s creation in their magazine. And there’s also a 3D version available today exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS.


(And here’s the static version, for those not interested in rushing head first into the techy future…)