Remix Contest

That’s right everyone, we’ll be launching a remix contest for ‘White Knuckles’ next week on the 7th. The contest will be curated by the infamous Dave Fridmann and the winner will have their track mixed for Rock Band plus win an entire Rock Band set up to play their track with their friends. Freakin’ awesome right?! Want even more details? Check back here soon for an update but in the meantime start listening to WK on repeat for inspiration.


  1. I am the man who will fight for your honor. I’ll be the hero you’ve been dreaming of. We’ll live forever, knowing together that we did it all for the glory of love.

    Also, I love Ok Go.

    PS. I’m flying out from Seattle to Chicago for the show.


    “White Knuckles.”

    PPS. Whatever happened to the lyrics, “you never tried, at least not enough”?

    I liked those lyrics

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